在高输入电压/低输出电压的电压变换应用场合,通常采用输入端串联/输出端并联(input-series output-parallel,ISOP)组合型直流变换器来降低功率开关器件的电压应力,但须确保、控制输入端串联均压与输出端并联均流。针对移相全桥变换器模块构成的ISOP组合变换器提出相同移相角控制技术。该控制技术无需专门的均压或均流控制环,故控制系统简单、可靠。针对变换器各模块参数不一致的工况,应用小信号模型与稳态直流模型,分析各模块输入端串联实现自动均压与输出端并联实现自动均流的机理,并且指出影响模块均压/均流精度的参数差异性。采用现有技术降低模块参数的差异性,足以保证相同移相角控制的ISOP组合变换器取得良好的均压/均流精度。仿真与实验均验证了该控制方案的可行性与可靠性。
Input-series output-parallel (ISOP) connected converters allow the use of low-voltage and low-power converter modules for high input-voltage and high power applications. A common-phase-shift control scheme is proposed for an ISOP converter consisting of multiple phase-shift full-bridge (PS-FB) converter modules. The proposed control method achieves equal sharing of the input voltages and load currents, without a dedicated input voltage or output currents sharing controller. The control method is analyzed by using both a small-signal model and steady-state DC model of the ISOP converter, and it is concluded that the equal sharing of input voltages and load currents among converter modules can be achieved through reducing the mismatches in various module parameters, which is practically achievable. The stability and performance of the control scheme are verified by Saber simulation and an experimental prototype consisting of two PS-FB converter modules.