目的:探讨镫骨的固有振动模式,以研究镫骨在能量传输过程中的有效运动方式。方法:通过人体左侧颞骨标本连续切片,获取镫骨及相关结构的图像数据,采用SURFDRIVER—GEOMAGIC-HYPERMESH—ANSYS联合建模求解技术,进行几何建模、材料模型选取、网格剖分、边界条件定义、Block Lanczos法模态分析求解。结果:模态频率结果显示,前20阶模态频率基本呈非线性单调递增趋势,前6阶频率值平缓,第7阶以后频率值陡增。前6阶模态振型可见镫骨有活塞运动、摆动、平移、转动等运动模式,各阶次5个节点(上、下、前、后、中)均伴有镫骨底板活塞运动,且第3阶5个节点镫骨底板活塞运动方向一致、幅度达最大值。结论:镫骨底板活塞运动伴随前6阶各频段,该形式是推动声波传递最有效的模式和镫骨的固有振动模式。
Objective: To analyze intrinsic vibration modes of stapes so as to elucidate effective motion manner of the stapes in the process of energy transfer. Methods: From the digital images of serial sections of the human left temporal bone speci men, three-dimensional model of the stapes was reconstructed using SURFDRIVER software, modified using GEOMAGIC software and optimized using HYPERMESH software. Then, the finite element model of the stapes was calculated with ANSYS software. Results: First 20 modal frequencies exhibited monotonic non-linear increase and an increase in the top 6 orders was gentle and that of last 14 orders was steep. The stapedial push-pull motion like a piston, swing, rotation or translation could be seen in all vibration modes. All orders were accompanied by the piston-like motion of five measured points at stapedial footplate. Directions of the piston like motion of these :five measured points at the third order were almost identical with the largest amplitude. Conclusion; The piston-like motion of the stapedial footplate exists in first 6-order bands, and this mode of motion is an intrinsic vibration mode of stapes and effective mode to promote acoustic transmission.