病程相关蛋白(pathogenesis related proteins,PRs)是病理或病理相关环境下诱导产生的一类蛋白,它的产生与积累是植物体应答生物或非生物胁迫的主要特征之一。近年来大量PR蛋白被鉴定,根据它们的结构特征,生物功能以及进化关系等将PR蛋白分为14个家族。然而,在重要的粮食和油料作物的大豆中发现的PR蛋白却很少,本文通过搜索拟南芥、水稻、玉米以及豆科植物所有的已有的PR蛋白,根据其保守结构域利用BLAST程序和HMMER程序同时预测大豆中可能存在的PR蛋白,通过两种方法的预测和比较整合,共得到大豆9个家族的36个PR蛋白序列。并对它们的连锁群分布、基因结构、基因长度及进化关系进行了详细的分析。发现PR家族成簇分布于Gm05、Gm10、Gm13、Gm15、Gm17、Gm19和Gm20等几个连锁群,基因普遍存在序列较短,大部分都小于1000bp,且内含子数目较少,结构相对简单的特点。在PR4家族中,其家族成员亲缘关系都非常相近,而PR1-4和PR1-3等与该家族其它成员亲缘关系较远的情况。本研究结果预测的PR蛋白为大豆抗病育种以及抗病基因工程研究提供了良好的基础,同时为大豆中其它家族基因预测研究以及其它物种基因家族研究提供参考方法。
Pathogenesis related proteins (PRs) is a class of proteins which are induced in pathological or pathological conditions. The production and accumulation of PR protein in plant are the main characteristics in the re- sponses of biotic and abiotic stress. In recent years a large number of PR proteins have been identified, which were divided into 14 functional families based on their structure, phylogenetic and biological activities. However, little PR protein has been found in soybean and cereal grain crops. In this paper we acquired 36 PR protein members of 9 families predicted through the BLAST and HMMER program with the queries for all the PR proteins in Ara- bidopsis, rice, corn and legumes. A comprehensive analysis has been carried out by the aspects of the PR gene dis- tribution, gene structure, length, number of exons, and evolutionary relationships. The PR family clusters distributed in Gm05, Gm10, Gm13, Gm15, Gm17, Gm19 and Gm20, and several linkage groups, most structural features of gene are relatively simple, such as most sequences are shorter, less than 1 000 bp, and introns are less too. In the PR4 family, its members are very similar, and PR1-4 and PR1-3 with other members of the family are long distance. The predicted PR proteins in this paper might provide a good foundation for disease resistance in soybeanbreeding program and disease resistance genetic engineering, as well as provide a powerful gene prediction approach for other gene family in soybean genetics research.