Identifying the key spreaders in large complex social networks having the maximumimpact on information dissemination is of significant impact on our understanding and control ofspreading on networks.In this paper,we introduce a new index to identify the influencing capa-bility of a node based on the community structure of a network,which is defined as the number ofcommunities (denote asVc)that are directly connected to a node.Base on simulations of the sin-gle source of infection with Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR)model,after ranking the nodesby other classic indicators,Vcindex can help to identify those critical nodes with strong spreadingcapabilities.By simulations of the single source of infection with Susceptible-Infected (SI)mod-el,we find that,among nodes with the same degree or Ks,those with higher Vcvalues may in-fect more nodes with faster spreading speed.