为了使未来的认知无线电系统具备有很强的灵活性,支持各种各样的波形,适应不断变化的外部环境,使用GNU Radio软件和USRP硬件搭建一个成本低,适用于认知无线电的软件波形开发平台。设置多个可动态在线调整的波形参数调节“旋钮”,和一个API用于实时接收和解析认知引擎的波形请求信息,调节波形参数。通过实验测试表明,该平台能很好地为认知无线电系统提供丰富的动态可重构软件波形。
A low-cost but powerful waveform de'velopment platform suitable for the cognitive radio is established with GNU Radio software and USRP hardware to make the future wireless communication systems to be more flexible, support various waveforms, and adapt itself to the changing external environment. Several tunable knobs for on-line adjustment of wave form parameters, and an API for real-time reception and resolution of waveform request information from cognitive engine are set. The final testing results show that the designed platform can provide abundent dynamic reconfigurable software waveform for cognitive radio systems.