确定多孔混凝土的原材料的选择及其配合比,并进行了相关试验。结果表明:采用P·O 42.5水泥、5~13mm碎石、江砂、SR-3外加剂等原材料配制的植生型多孔混凝土,在强度、pH值、孔隙率以及透水系数等方面均可满足植物生长的要求,可以进行应用和推广。
In this paper,the choice of material ingredient and its proportion of porous concrete has been discussed and corresponding tests has been done. The results of the study shows that the porous concrete used for plant-growing with P·O 42.5 cement, 5 - 13mm stone, sand, SR-3 can meet the demand of plants growth in strength,pH value,porosity and permeability coefficient and has very good application value.