通过对汶川地震中170个调查点的震害指数进行统计分析,得到了从Ⅵ度到Ⅺ度中各个烈度区内的平均震害指数值和方差,结果表明在Ⅶ到Ⅹ度区平均震害指数与烈度表基本相符,分析了Ⅵ度区和Ⅺ区内平均震害指数偏高和偏低的原因,指出前者主要因为调查点分布的原因,而后者则可能还受到该烈度区大小划分的影响。在断层距50 km内震害指数高、离散性大且衰减迅速,之外则震害较轻且变化平稳,不同类型建筑衰减的速度相异,震害指数随断层距增加的变化趋势总体符合双对数线性公式模式,分别拟合了各类建筑的衰减关系并进行了比较。最后,基于相同调查场点四类建筑同砖混建筑的震害指数对比,指出了建筑抗震能力在不同震害强度下的非线性差异。
Based on the concept of damage index,seismic damag investigation at 170 spots for five building types in Wenchuan earthquake(Ms8.0) is described in this paper.Mean damage indexes and variance are calculated for all building types in seismic intensity zone from Ⅵ to Ⅺ.Results show that the mean damage indexes are consistent with corresponding values in the Chinese seismic intensity scale for Ⅶ toⅩ intensity zones.Abnormity in Ⅵ intensity zone is caused by the distribution of survey spots,while abnormity in Ⅺ intesit zone may be influenced by the spots distribution and the determined intensity area.Damage index is high and strongly discrete and quickly decreases within 50 km to the fault,while it is weak and stable in farther area.The damage attenuation relationships for all building types are fitted by using log-log linear equation.At last,the damage index of brick-concrete building is compared with other four building types at same survey spot.The comparison shows that the aseismic performance difference is nonlinear at different damage degrees.