The image registration technique based on Fourier-Mellin transform can be used to register images which are misaligned due to rotation, scaling and translation and find its applications in many different fields thanks to its high accuracy, robustness and low computational cost. In this paper, the technique is extended to two new application fields. The first one is panoramic mosaics. Unlike conventional methods, this technique is capable of successfully building a coarse full view of a large scene without either requiring special hardware to control camera motion or knowing camera's focus length, or detecting image features and their correspondences. The other extended application is of curve matching. In the most traditional curve matching methods, the correspondence of curve features, such as corners, extrema of the curvature etc, should be at first established, and then the matching parameters are computed. Here a new approach is proposed, where the curves matched are at first converted into binary images and then the matching of these binary images is carried out by the Fourier-Mellin transform based registration tecnique. Numerous experiments show that for most of images captured by a hand held camera, if the projective distortions are not too severe, the registration results are satisfactory.