Currently local search algorithms are very effective for solving some SAT problems,and Sattime is a typicallocal search algorithm which won a silver medal in the2011international SAT competition.But,after recording the variableflipping event data stream into a database in the solving process of Sattime algorithm,data analysis and pattern mininguncover that Sattime sometimes selects the same variable to flip in two successive flipping steps.This search behaviormay cause loop back and is known as the loopback phenomenon,which reduces the local search efficiency.To solve theproblem,this paper proposes two probability control strategies:the enhanced strategy for choosing clause and the enhancedstrategy for choosing variable.Applying these two strategies into Sattime algorithm,the paper develops a new local searchalgorithm called Sattime-P.Experimental results show that the improved algorithm Sattime-P is more efficient in most cases.Moreover,this method can also be applied to other SAT local search algorithms to improve their efficiency.