The method for wetland construction was proposed, i.e. to construct eircular expanding section at certain intervals along the beach of two sides of river course with the chord length S and the arc height B at the elevation of 0.5m below the normal water level. The staggered arrangement of the expanding section forms wetlands of wet-dry alternation. In the study, 3D numerical calculation and analysis method of turbulent flow was adopted for optimization of the main parameters S and B for the cross-section of wetlands so that the optimal river flow condition could be obtained, and the optimal values S = 2.0D and B = 0.7D (D: the width of river mouth) for the constructed wetlands were derived from ease study. Then, the effects of wetland construction on river flow were analyzed from three aspects, i.e. the flow field of river the course, the cross-section average flow velocity distribution along river course, and the depthaveraged flow velocity distribution in river eross-section. The result shows that wetland eonstruction leads to alternate flow patterns in the whole river course, that the mean flow velecity in cross-section of the wetland section decreases evidently, and that the difference of flow velecity between wetland section and main river channel is significant.