Taking Taihu Lake as our research object to find out a suitable atmospheric correction model in lake chlorophyll - a quantitative retrieving of remote sensing, FLAASH, 6S and QUAC models have been experi- mented in this study to implement the atmospheric correction on CCD data of HJ - 1B satellite. To get optimal re- trieving model, correlation coefficient among image bands, remote indexes and chlorophyll - a concentration have been analyzed and NDWI has been used to build retrieving models. The coefficient of determination ( R2 ) of mod- els is more than 0.7, and statistical test shows the result is sa tions have been compared with measure spectra. The accuracy tisfying. Then the spectrum curves at sampling sta- of retrieval models based on different atmospheric correction algorithms have been also studied by the error parameters. The study results indicate that it is feasible to retrieve lakes chlorophyll -a through remote sensing data based on atmospheric correction models, and the re- trieval parameters are very close between FLAASH model and 6S model ,which is consistent with cluster analysis. The precision of FLAASH and 6S is better than QUAC. Although QUAC algorithms can get high precision,it may lead to distortion of spectrum information. Therefore, FLAASH model and 6S model should be preferred approa- ches as to atmospheric correction algorithms to implement the atmospheric correction when we build the chloro- phyll- a retrieval models.