This study investigates the similarity measurement of nearest neighbor classmcaslon ior t-~r~w uumin~l,~~ prediction in multi-objective optimization. The equivalent components of a decision vector are defined by analyzing the contribution rate of each decision component to each objective component. For each objective component, the decision vector is divided into a group of equivalent sub-vectors, each consisting of the equivalent components with the same contribution rate. The distance between two equivalent sub-vectors is computed by minimizing the cross distance among the equivalent components. The similarity of two decision vectors is measured by the weighted sum of the minimized cross distances (WMCDs) corresponding to each equivalent sub-vector, where the weight takes the corresponding contribution rate. For each objective component, after evaluating WMCDs between an observed data and N samples, each sample is assigned a sequential number in [0: N- 1] according to the ascending order of WMCDs. The nearest sample is the one with the minimal sum of the sequential numbers on all objective components. For WMCDs and multi-objective nearest neighbor searching introduce the mapping information from the decision space to the objective space, the similarity measurement in the decision space reflects the similarity in the objective space more seemingly. The experiments on tested problems show that the proposed algorithm remarkably improves the prediction performance of nearest neighbor classifiers.