7075 铝矩阵合成增强了与缩放 nano 原文如此,粒子被超声的帮助半固体制作激动人心的方法。压缩机械行为制作处于半固体状态合成被调查。结果证明微观结构合成在半固体压缩由液体包围的好、球状的稳固的谷物组成以前,分阶段执行。半固体压缩导致了稳固的谷物的不一致的塑料变丑。细微塑料变丑在液体流动和合并稳固的谷物的液体的流动上由于变丑的依赖在免费表面附近发生在地点。然而,明显的塑料变丑在联系由于稳固的谷物的塑料变丑的贡献死的中央地点和地点发生了。在 500ange 并且因此压缩的样品的真压力紧张曲线完成更高太阳的选择。一系列混合铜钴金属尖晶石氧化物(Cu x 公司 y O 与 graphene 氧化物做的 z ) 薄电影在 500 的退火的温度用一种大音阶的第五音胶化 dip-coating 技术在商业等级铝底层上被扔
The 7075 aluminium matrix composite reinforced with nano-sized Si C particles was fabricated by ultrasonic assisted semisolid stirring method. The compression mechanical behaviour of the fabricated composite in semisolid state was investigated. The results show that the microstructure of the composite before semisolid compression consists of fine and spheroidal solid grains surrounded by liquid phase.Semisolid compression led to a nonuniform plastic deformation of solid grains. A slight plastic deformation occurred in the locations near the free surface due to the dependence of deformation on liquid flow and flow of liquid incorporating solid grains. However, obvious plastic deformation occurred in the central location and location contacting to die due to the contribution of plastic deformation of solid grains.The true stress–strain curve of the sample compressed at 500 °C consists of rapid increase of true stress and steady stage. However, rapid increase of true stress and decrease of true stress and steady stage are involved in the true stress–strain curves of the samples compressed at 550, 560, 570, 580 and 590 °C.The true stress–strain curve at 600 °C is similar to that at 500 °C. Apparent viscosity decreases with an increase of shear rate, indicating a shear thinning occurrence. When soaking time increases from 5 min to 15 min, the peak stress and steady stress decrease significantly. A further increase of the soaking time led to a slight change. Peak stress and steady stress increase with increasing volume fraction of Si C particles. A sudden increase or decrease of compression velocity led to a significant increase or decrease of the steady stress. The destruction of the samples compressed at solid state temperature mainly depends on cracks parallel to compression direction. However, the destruction forms of the samples compressed at semisolid temperatures consist of cracks parallel to compression direction and partial collapse. Increasing soaking time led to an obvious change of the destruction