Zigbee与ISM频段其他无线技术的共存问题引起了人们极大的关注。将认知无线电和Zigbee技术相结合,提出CR-Zigbee(Cognitive Radio Zigbee)技术新概念,以解决这一问题。在通信过程中引入了信道状态检测,频谱空洞搜寻以及动态频谱分配的技术。为了评价CR-Zigbee的性能,搭建了其测试平台,经实际的测试,结果表明,CR-Zigbee比普通Zigbee具有更强的抗干扰性能。
With the increasing growth of the ISM band usage,the mutual interferences are more and more serious. In this paper,we propose a concept about Zigbee called CR-Zigbee, which takes advantage of cognitive radio technology. To evaluate the performance of CR-Zigbee, we build a test bed. The result shows that the CR-Zigbee has much better ability to resist interference than ordinary Zigbee.