针对波浪与结构物作用问题,提出了一个取入射速度势作为辅助势求解简单线性方程组,从而得到主对角元素的新高阶边界元方法(HOBEM).较之Teng和Eatock Taylor的方法,不必引入满足刚性水面和海底条件的无穷级数形式格林函数,避免了数值计算的复杂性.应用本方法对均匀圆柱和截断圆柱进行了计算,其计算时间和Teng和Eatock Taylor的方法几乎相同,计算结果较之更为精确,而且有着相同的收敛速度,此方法为计算波浪与结构物作用的计算开辟了一条新的途径.
For the calculation of wave interaction with a three-dimensional structure, an improved higher-order boundary element method (HOBEM) is proposed. In the novel method, the main diagonal term of the linear boundary element equation is obtained from an auxiliary integral equation involving only the incident potential. By comparing Teng and Eatock Taylor$ method, the complexity in the calculation is avoided because it is unnecessary to introduce Green function with infinite series that satisfies the conditions of rigid water surface and seabed, it al- lows for the present method to be implemented more easily. To validate the method, numeric computation is carried out for a uniform cylinder and a truncated cylinder. The examination indicates the computation in this method a- grees well with Teng and Eatock Taylor~ method and analytic solutions, and it also has the same convergence speed as Teng and Eatock Taylor~ numerical method. Therefore, the current study demonstrates a new way to compute the interaction between wave and marine structures.