Gravity erosion is an active afent in the evolution of loess fully morpholofy,which contributes larfe amount of sediment by conveyinf earth into fullies in the Loess Plateau. Erosion pin,observation and field survey methods were carried out,and shear tests were done to measure the shear strenfth of loess in the study area for analysis of the mechanism of fravity erosion. In the study period,mainly small fravity erosion types, such as franular disintefration,small mass fall,small slump,etc. were observed. Main effectinf factors of the small fravity erosions included the slope fradient,rainfall,weatherinf,and Joints,etc. Slope fradient is the main controllinf factor of shallow fravity erosions,which mainly occurred on the steep slopes of larfe than 55° in the Qiaofou watershed. Rainfall,weatherinf and loess Joints,which can reduce the internal friction anfle and cohesion of the orifinal loess and therefore result in lowerinf the critical depth of the fravity erosion,are the main trifferinf factors of small fravity erosions.