提出一种利用双向使用高非线性光纤(HNLF)实现同时解复用出两路信号的全光解复用方案.将复用信号和控制光的混合信号从 HNLF 的两端同时注入,复用信号中的某一路信号通过交叉相位调制使控制光产生蓝移或红移,在HNLF的输出端用窄带滤波器将控制光的蓝移或红移部分滤出从而同时实现两路信号解复用.理论分析了信号光和控制光在HNLF中的相互作用和解复用原理.搭建80 Gbit/s光时分复用系统,对双向使用HNLF的解复用结构进行了实验研究.在HNLF的两个输出端同时实现不同信道的无误码解复用,其中信道解复用的最大功率代价为2.6 dB.
A simultaneous two-channel optical time division multiplexing (OTDM) demultiplexing is proposed and experimen-tally demonstrated by using a bidirectionally operated highly nonlinear fiber followed by a narrow-band offset filter. The performance of the proposed demultiplexer is evaluated in an 80 Gbit/s OTDM transmission system. A maximum power penalty of 2.6 dB is obtained for the worst demultiplexed channel. The proposal might be interesting since it offers a powerful tool for developing ultrafast photonic networks.