Compared to the commercially standard chemiluminescence-based( CL) NOxanalyzers,which often have high uncertainty due to the interference of reactive nitrogen species,the Cavity attenuated phase shift spectroscopy( CAPS) monitor shows much enhanced performance in detecting the ambient gaseous nitrogen dioxide( NO2). In this study,both instruments were deployed in Beijing during 21—29 August 2012. The NO2 measured by CAPS shows overall agreement with that by CL,yet large difference up to 25% was also observed in the afternoon. As a result,the calculated ozone production efficiency of NOx( OPEx) derived from the correlations of Ox-NOzwith the CL NO2 can be overestimation by 40% in Beijing. This overestimation could be significant in high O3 polluted period and implicate the important impact on the O3 sensitivity indicator.