星载设备长时间工作在空间环境中,宇宙中的带电粒子会造成器件功能异常,产生存储器软错误,严重时会损坏硬件电路。为模拟辐照环境对器件的影响,利用Xilinx公司的软错误缓解(SEM)控制器IP核,搭建了基于Xilinx Kintex-7的验证与测试平台,完成对SEM IP核的功能验证。为提高测试效率,设计了基于上述平台的自动注错方法。经过验证,该方法能够达到预期的帧地址覆盖率。实验结果表明,SEM IP核具备软错误注入与缓解功能,自动注错方法有利于此IP核的实际应用。
The satellite equipment works in the space environment permanently. The charged particles radiation in the universe can cause undesired effects in devices,such as soft error in memory devices and even permanent damage in hardware circuits. To simulate the effect of the ionizing radiation on devices,a platform was set up based on the soft error mitigation( SEM) controller IP core on Xilinx Kintex-7 and a functional verification of the SEM IP on the platform was performed. An automatic error injection method was proved by the result of a test,was proposed to improve the efficiency of the verification. After verification,the proposed method can achieve the expected frame address coverage rate. The experimental results show that the SEM IP core has functions of soft error injection and mitigation,and the automatic error injection method contributes to the application of the IP core.