由于WSN节点的计算和存储资源非常有限,研究非传统的新型轻量级密码协议对W SN安全具有现实意义,在链路层设计实现高效的密码协议可大大减轻WSN应用程序在通信安全的处理开销。目前,W SN混沌密码已开始受到业界关注,且出现了多种加密方案,但面临一个最大的问题是缺乏有效的混沌密钥更新方法而使W SN混沌加密无法实用。在考虑引入混沌密钥更新机制的基础上,提出并实现一种基于树型奇偶机模型的全新链路层混沌加密协议TinyTCSec。TinyOS平台上的仿真测试表明TinyTCsec较TinySec在节点内存和能耗方面相当,但具有密钥安全性高、协议数据包简单等优势,更适用于WSN数据链路安全通信。
Due to the computation and storage restricts in WSN node,exploring non-traditional and novel lightweight cryptographic schemes,especially the efficient and low cost data link encryption solutions,can facilitate WSN application security.At current,chaos-based cryptography on WSN has been concerned,but it is not practical for the short of key management.In this paper,a novel model named Tree Parity Machine(TPM) is firstly introduced.Then an integrated scheme using TPM and chaos is proposed to build a lightweight WSN data link encryption scheme,TinyTCSec.TinyTCSec seems more WSN applicable comparing with TinySec or other schemes for its abilities of rekeying and low consumption,and the simulation results also show its superiority in key security and packet performance.