随着国内城市汽车保有量日渐增加,交通压力变得越来越大。为了妥善处理"最后1公里"的交通出行问题,完善城市地铁与公共自行车的换乘衔接,构建选址科学,规划合理的公共自行车租赁系统显得尤为重要。按照公共自行车租赁点选址影响要素及布设准则,结合公共自行车租赁点同时存在借车与还车的两种需求的现实状况,并借鉴阻抗函数的原理,建立出行总时间最小模型,来构建出公共自行车租赁点双层规划选址模型。最后通过实例计算,来确定地铁周边小区需求点400 m范围内公共自行车租赁点位置,并进行评价分析。
With the increasing number of domestic urban car ownership, traffic pressure has become larger. In order to deal with the traffic problem of "the last kilometer" properly, and to improve the transfer between city subway and public bicycles, the scientific construction site and rational planning of public bicycle rental system are particularly important. According to the public bicycle rental location factors and layout criteria, we took into account the situation that there are two kinds of needs for borrowing and returning bikes at the public bicycle rental points, and referred to the principle of impedance function to establish the minimum total travel time model and build up a bi-level planning and location model of public bicycle rental points. Finally, through the cal- culation of practical examples,we determined the location of public bicycle rental points within the 400m range of the surrounding area of the subway and carried out evaluation and analysis.