针对VB数值计算能力和图像处理能力的不足,不利于系统开发的缺点,介绍了光流场计算原理及其基于VB和MatrixVB的实现。该方法将Matlab的强大计算功能与Visual Basic的Windows用户界面开发方面优势结合起来,缩短了软件的开发周期。软件测试结果表明,计算方法正确,方法稳定可靠,算法设计优化,所开发的应用软件具有界面友好,计算速度快,系统资源消耗少,操作简便易行的特点,能满足光流场计算的要求。
According to the situation that VB is insufficient in numerical computation and image processing ability, and is weak in algorithm development. The theory of optical flow for image sequence is introduced firstly,then the realization of optical flow by incorporating Visual Basic and MatrixVB. The incorporated advances of MatlabPs powerful calculation function and Visual Basicrs friendly graphic user interface shorten the period of software development. It has been demonstrated by the instance that the calculating procedure is accurate, steady and credible. The software interface is friendly and the function is perfect. Beside this, resource expenditure of computer is tow and calculating speed is quick, the software is easy to learn and convenient to use. It is a good tool for optical flow calculation.