Perceptual categorization refers to organizing different perceptual objects into groups. Perceptual category structure is adopted by category learning, which repeatedly appears in an experiment with simple sensory stimulation (such as the length and angle changes on line, frequency and direction of grating). Rule-based category structure (RB) and Information Integration category structure (Ⅱ) are two kinds of perceptual categories. RB structures define category membership by the values of salient stimulus dimensions. The verbal system is able to learn to categorize such structures by identifying the relevant dimensions and discovering the appropriate rule. In contrast, Ⅱ structures define category membership by the conjoint rules which are not easily verbalizable in two or more dimensions. Consequently, such structures could not be learned by the verbal system. According to the COVIS model, which assumes that there are multiple systems in category learning, explicit category learning generates and tests simple verbalizable hypotheses and rules and depends on working memory. Thus visuo-spatial working memory will affect the rule-based category structure (RB), but not Information Integration category structure (II). Some studies have showed that working memory has different effects on implicit category learning and explicit category learning. But how the visuo-spatial working memory affects rule-based category learning? The mechanism of cognitive processing is still not yet clear, which is discussed in two experiments.