肠凝集素1 (intelectin 1,ITLN1) 是1998年Komiya等[1]运用原位杂交筛选法从小鼠肠帕内特细胞 (肠腺嗜酸性粒细胞) 中分离的一种新基因.2003年,Yang等[2]在进行人类网膜脂肪cDNA文库的表达序列标签测序时,发现了一种腹腔网膜脂肪组织特异性分泌的蛋白因子,命名为网膜素 (omentin) .后续研究发现人类ITLN1与网膜素的编码基因和氨基酸序列相同,于是美国国立生物技术信息中心统一命名为ITLN1.鉴于ITLN1在内分泌疾病、心血管疾病、炎症、肿瘤等诸多方面中的作用,引起了学界广泛的关注.本文从ITLN1的基因和蛋白结构、分布、生物学功能等方面进行综述.
Human intelectin 1 (ITLN1), also named as omentin 1, is a secretory trimetric protein and host defense lectin that binds to bacterial galactofuranose. It is primarily expressed in visceral adipose tissue and is highly abundant in plasma. ITLN1 can trigger Akt signaling and enhance insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in human omental adipocytes. It also has anti-microbial, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. Recent studies reveal a close linkage between ITLN1 and malignant pleural mesothelioma. This article reviews the progress in the systemic biological function of ITLN1.