The understanding of big data goes through three stages, i.e., "3Vs"(Volume, variety and velocity), "4Vs"("3Vs" and value), and "5Vs"("4Vs" and veracity). In the era of big data of process industries, the "5Vs" characteristics of industrial big data are analyzed. After that, the existing methods on data modeling are reviewed while the corresponding limitations are analyzed under industrial big data circumstances with specific characteristics, i.e., multi-layer irregularly sampling, multiple temporal and spatial time series, and non-veracity with outlier. Finally, the perspectives on industrial big data modeling are discussed, including: i) latent structure modeling of multi-layer irregularly sampled big data; ii)multiple temporal and spatial time-series data modeling for event discovery, decision-making, and causality analysis; iii)robust modeling of data with non-veracity samples; and iv) data-friendly system architecture and method towards big data real-time modeling.