海洋渔业(包括捕捞和养殖)提供的蛋白是全球人类膳食中重要的动物蛋白来源,同时海洋渔业也是众多国家国民生计的重要来源。我国是海洋渔业大国,确保海洋渔业可持续发展对维护我国食物及营养安全意义重大。近海生态系统是海洋渔业产出最为丰富的区域,在全球变暖背景下,近海过度开发、栖息地破坏以及陆源污染等,使我国渔业生物持续面临高胁迫环境,继而使海洋捕捞及海水养殖可持续发展面临巨大挑战。基因组等学科发展使得高胁迫环境下的海洋生物适应潜力的精准评估与预测成为可能。文章概述了我国渔业生物胁迫环境适应研究现状,以期明确海洋渔业生物环境适应进化研究的主要科学问题; 并进一步提出未来研究建议,以促进我国海洋渔业生物资源与水产养殖精准化管理及产业健康、可持续发展。
The environmental changes due to the direct and indirect anthropogenic activities have tremendous effect on the ocean ecosystem. This has led to the non-reversible impact on the marine biological resource.Marine fishery including the fishing and aquaculture istwo major ways to make use of the marine biological resource. They provide high-quality protein and rare nutritional elements, which are indispensable to the food and nutrition security.The marine fishery production of China ranks the first in the world.It is not controversial that the inshore ecosystem of China is under the multiple environmental stressors derived from the over-exploration, the land-based pollution, and the global climate change. The government and the non-government organization abroad have put the first priority to study the impact of the changing environment on the ocean, marine fishery and the adaptation strategies have been made accordingly. Although China also paid a lot of attention to the marine environmental protection and the marine biological resource utility and protection, we still lag behind the advanced countries in both the basic research and the policy making. Generally, the changing environment under the global climate change may lead to the change of hydrological, physical, and the chemical prosperities of the ocean. Thechanging environment will influence the composition and the function of the ecosystem. Specifically, the marine diversity has decreased and the function and the productivity have degraded under the multiple stressors, which are all the major concerns of the fishery resource protection. As for the aquaculture organisms, the growth, the development, and the behavior are all impacted by the changing climate. A common phenomenon in the aquaculture is the mass mortality.Many abiotic and biotic factors are supposed to contribute to the mass mortality of the aquaculture organism. Notably, the virulence of the pathogen has changed under the changing climate. The impact of the climate change on fishery resources a