An Introduction to Chinese Rhyme Hterature ( Zhongguo Yunwen Tonglun ) written by Chen Zhongfan was published in 1927, which is the first history of rhyme literature focusing on a general introduction to Shi, Ci, Qu and Fu. Its completion as a book may be influenced the literature view of the Yangzhou School in the Qing Dynasty, especially Ruan Yuan' s idea of "literature with rhyme" and Jiao Sheng' s statement of "each generation with its own prominence". Its difference from the previous literature history lies in its certain systema- ticity and obviously contemporary academic vision, which takes advantage of the latest research achievements at that time among the Chinese academia and the sinology circle in Japan. Breaking away from the pattern of no distinction between the writing of literature history and that of academic history in the early Republic Period, An Introduction to Chinese Rhyme Literature focuses on the study of rhyme literature, significantly promoting the spread of rhyme ideas about "pure literature".