A sensitivity experiment, with the increasing N20 volume mixing ratio, was carried out to study the influence o{ an increase of N20 on 03 and temperature using the 2D interactive chemical radiative dynamical (SCORATES) model of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, and the reasons for 03 and temperature change were analyzed from chemistry, radiation and dynamical processes. Moreover, the differences in influences on the atmospheric environment of methane and water vapor increase as well as N20 increases were compared. The results show that when NzO concentration increases, the chemical process results in 03 depletion over 30 km, and the high value appear between 30 and 40 kin. The cooling is obvious over 30 kin, the 03 increase and slight warming appear at middle-lower latitudes in the lower stratosphere and troposphere. The extents of ozone decrease and eool.itag over 30 ~ 40 km are larger at middle-high latitudes in the North Hemisphere than in the South Hemisphere. The tropospheric warming is mainly caused by the increases of N2O and O3, while the temperature change in the stratosphere is mainly dominated by O3. The dynamical feedback to temperature change is more distinct at middle-high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere than in other regions and significantly affects temperature and ozone in the middle-high stratosphere at middle-high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. Whereas the O3 depletion caused by methane increase appears above 45 km, and the Oa increases below 45 km. The stratospheric water vapor increase can result in the O3 depletion above 40 km, and the Oa increases in the most of between 20 and 40 km. The Oa depletion caused by N20 increase appears right near the Oa layer, and its emission is very important to the future O3 layer recovery. The slight warming caused by N20 increase appears from 15 to 25 km at middle and low latitudes, however the increase in CO2, CH4, and stratospheric water vapor can respectively lead to cooling there.