针对无线视频传感器网络(Wireless video sensor networks,WVSN)对视频编码算法的具体需求,提出一种基于运动检测的低复杂度视频编码算法。该算法只对当前编码帧中的运动对象进行编码,并且以面向对象的结构输出码流。实验结果表明,与H.264全I帧编码相比,本文提出的算法编码速度提高了约3倍,编码性能提高了约2dB。与H.264基本档次相比,虽然编码性能略有下降,但是编码速度平均提高了8倍左右。本文提出的算法可以在编码效率和编码速度之间获得很好的折衷,在一定程度上可以满足WVSN的需求。
Based on the specific requirements for wireless video sensor networks (WVSNs), a low complexity video coding algorithm based on motion detection is proposed. The algorithm only encodes the motion objects in current frame and outputs the object-oriented bitstream. Experimental results show that compared with H. 264 all I-frame encoder, the speed of the pro- posed algorithm is increased about three times while the coding performance is improved about 2 dB. Compared with H. 264 baseline encoder, though the coding performance of the proposed algorithm is a little worse, the encoding average speed is increased about 8 times . Therefore, the proposed algorithm achieves good tradeoff between the coding performance and the encoding speed, and meets the requirement of WVSN.