Precipitation prediction during flood season based summarized in this paper. The average score of prediction for on "Geothermal gases" map over the last 10 years is all participants is just higher than 60, which implies that the skill of short-term climate change prediction is still not enough for operational use. "Geothermal gases" Map method ranks at the top of the participants with limited advantages by 0. 4, indicating that there is much room to further improve this method. At the same time, it is worthwhile to attach more importance to this method because it focuses on the interaction between lithosphere and atmosphere, which is probably the main process of the climate system. The heat flux released from lithosphere could reach as high as 10°-101 W · m^-2 according to some investi gations, which is large enough to cause the effects on short-term climate chahge. Cases in year 1995 and 2002 are analyzed in detail since the performances of this method are poor. In addition, some lessons are mentioned in particular concerning the predictions in year 2002 and 2003.