Model errors and data errors are the limiting factors to the improvement of the numerical weather prediction(NWP) models. In 4-dimension data assimilation, the model is often assumed to be precise, correcting initial observations and neglecting the forecast error caused by the model error. Adjoint-model Assimilation System can be used in the correction of initial conditions and model parameters. Terrain is one of the multiple factors governing atmospheric circulation and also an important ingredient of numerical weather prediction(NWP) models, responsible directly for the results. Model terrain adjustment is carried out by means of the Pennsylvania State University(PSU)/National Center for Atmospheric Research(NCAR) non-hydrostatic mesoscale model MM5 with its adjoint-model assimilation system(AMAS) including GMS5 cloud-derived winds and non-conventional temperature from the Nation Satellite Meteorological Center(NSMC).There are two conclusions :(1) the corrected terrain coordinates with the initial observations and the model can improve the model results varying with the range and intensity of the of model errors on prediction, the application of AMAS model parameters. meso-scale heavy-rain center. (2) Considering the effect is a new feasible approach to the improvement of NWP model parameters.