针对中国铁路高速化,信息化发展要求,设计了一个专用于机车故障诊断系统的通讯网络,该网络方案是基于VPN IPSec技术,且是在铁路系统现有信息化网络的基础上进行适当改造,大大降低了网络成本;网络构架根据需求划分为车地,机务段,铁路局(部)三大部分,而拓扑结构也正是围绕这三个部分的特点和作用进行设计的;结合网络的实际设计要求,作为网络安全核心的IPSec协议,也根据设计需求对其进行了简单的介绍;设计符合铁路信息化发展要求,提高了故障诊断效率。
With the development of Chinese railway, a special network for locomotive fault diagnosis system which is based on VPN IPSec is designed. Comparing to railway system network in existence, a little change is made for reducing cost. The architecture of network which is divided into three grades is described. The topology of the network is also designed according to the characteristics and functions of the three grades. As the centre of the network security, the IPSec is also introduced. The situation of Chinese railway can be improved by this design.