2006年10月对升金湖上湖,中湖和下湖10个断面27个采样点的调查,发现浮游轮虫14属39种。密度优势种为裂足臂尾轮虫(Branehionus schizocerca)、萼花臂尾轮虫(B.catyeiflorus)、壶状臂尾轮虫(B.urceus)、月形单趾轮虫(Monostyla lunaris)、螺形龟甲轮虫(Keratella cochlearis)、双尖钩状狭甲轮虫(Colurella uneinata formabwuspidata)、真足哈林轮虫(Hartqngiaeupoda)。根据升金湖中轮虫所在分布区的生态因子,包括地理位置、海拔高度、年降水量、年积温、1月份平均温度、7月份平均温度、10月份平均温度及水体的理化性质,得出浮游轮虫类型组合的所指示的现代气候是中国东部地区温暖湿润气候,同时所指示的生态环境是中国东部地区水生生态系统,为轮虫类的现代地理分布格局提供了科学依据。
The diversity of planktonic Rotifers in the Shengjin lake was investigated in october 2006. The result indicated that there were 39 species of planktonic Rotifers , belonging to 14 genera. The dominant species included Branchionus schizocerca, B. calyciflorus, B. urceus ,Monostyla lunaris ,Keratella cochleari, ColureUa uncinata forma bicuspidate, Harringia eupoda. The density of Rotifer was correlated with water temperature and pH, The difference of density of planktonic Rotifers is notable in different sampling points. More methods should be scheduled to restore Shengjin lake. The connection between the geographical distribution and ecological factors of the Rotifera was also studied. The major ecological factors of the Rotifera assemblages were obtained in Shengjin lake including geographical position, altitude, annual precipitation, annual accumulated temperature and habitat. On the basis of these information, the climate and environment conditions of the Rotifera were analysed, which was significant for estimating the modem climate and the environment.