The consistency maintenance for address mapping during indirect branch handling in a dynamic binary translation (DBT) system was studied, and a novel approach to optimization of the consistency maintenance was proposed based on the analysis of the traditional lock mechanism based consistency maintenance scheme' s major shortcoming of causing great overhead both in singlethreaded and multithreaded execution. The new method avoids lock operations during the hot branch handling through tracing the hotspot of the indirect branches, and operates redundant address mapping when read-write conflicts are detected. For the detection, a dedicated mechanism was designed to organize the timing sequence of instructions and the address mapping data. The final results of the experiments on the Godson-3 platform emulating the X86 architecture, show that the proposed approach can reduce the execution overhead by 27.7% on average ( 1.8% to 58.5% ) for singlethreaded benchmarks, and by 18.4% on average (3.3% to 64.6% ) for muhithreaded benchmarks.