Many applications Magnetic nanoparticles in biomedicine require they under small scale still have high magnetic energy. FePt nanoparticles, with high saturation magnetization and high magnetocrystalline anisotropy, with good biocompatibility of surface coating of Au formed core-shell structure of FePt@Au nanoparticles, become preferred the object of study in the field of biomedicine. In this paper, using chemical thermal decomposition method, the preparation of uniform size, cubic morphology of FePt nanoparticle as a seed, and then dispersed into the solution and then thermally decomposed gold acetate prepared FePt@Au core-shell structure particles. By transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation after Au-coated particle size grew, and X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) carried out on a single particle, the results showed that particles prepared contain Fe, Pt, Au elements, at the same time, is demonstrate the preparation of granular structure with FePt@Au. Research on structure of the prepared FePt@Au nanoparticles thows that Au atoms in heterogeneous nucleation on the surface of the rectangular particle is the main growth mechanism of composite structure.