Field geologists proposed an empirical model named “five-floor” vertical morphological zonation in the vein-type tungsten deposits in China in the 1980s. This model has been playing an important role in exploration in this type of tungsten deposits. However, the mechanisms forming such a zonation are still enigmatic. We study the vertical variation trend of vein thickness and the statistical distribution of ore element concentration in the Piaotang tungsten deposits in South China using fractals and mixed distributions of ore grade. We find that the fractal dimension of vein thickness decreases downwards. This indicates an increase in the proportion of thick veins and the connectivity of fracture systems that bear the veins. The grades of tungsten and tin show a similar trend with the vein thickness, suggesting that the proportion of high-grade ores also increases downwards. The grades of tungsten and tin follow a mixed log-normal distribution. Both tungsten and tin concentrations contain three components at deeper levels, while they have single or two components at shallower levels. This suggests that the ore veins at deeper levels may be produced by more ore fluid pulses than those at shallower levels. The component with higher average grades may lower the fractal dimension of ore grades at deeper levels. Multiple fracture opening and infilling processes may be an important reason to explain why veins at deeper levels are wider than those at shallower levels on average.