在已有的移动增强现实( MAR)系统中存在开发困难,虚拟现实( AR)效果观察缺乏通用性的问题,提出了一种MAR系统的通用框架,该框架包括三个部分:为智能移动设备用户所使用的通用MAR观察器、为MAR应用提供网络服务的MAR服务器,以及为开发人员提供了MAR应用定制器。该框架结合高通的Vuforia SDK针对平面图像实现了MAR的应用定制和通用AR效果浏览。框架为开发人员提供了无代码开发功能,为移动用户提供了遍览一类AR应用的通用观察器。实验结果表明该MAR框架系统降低了MAR应用的开发门槛与时间费用,大大提高了开发效率。
There are two problems in the existing Mobile Augmented Reality ( MAR) system, one is the difficulty in developing and the other is the lack of versatile AR observer. To address them, a generic MAR framework was proposed in the paper, which contains three components: a versatile observer which was used by smart mobile device user to see the AR effect produced by MAR application, an MAR Web server that provided network service for the MAR application, an MAR application customizer which was used by developers to customize their desired applications. The Vuforia SDK was used to implement the observer, and XML technology was applied to achieve the goal of customizing MAR application. The generic framework enables developers to do code-free development, and provides the convenience of observing different MAR applications by one MAR observer. The experimental results show that this framework reduces the difficulty and time in developing AR application and makes it easy to observing AR effects.