对近年来有关土壤切削仿真的研究进行总结,并介绍自适应网格划分、ALE以及SPH等3种解决大变形的方法;在此基础上,针对一个简化的切削模型,对3种方法进行土壤切削仿真的结果进行分析和比较;最后着重以某室内模型盾构刀盘刀具和上海地区软粘土,利用ALE方法进行盾构刀盘刀具的大规模三维切削仿真分析。仿真计算基于LS—DYNA970 MPP软件和“曙光4000A”超级计算机,结果表明,3种不同的方法在解决土壤切削大变形时各有特点,其中ALE方法在更为细致的软粘土盾构三维开挖仿真中得到的结果与试验数据较为一致。
A review of the research on soil cutting in recent years was given, and three different methods for dealing with large deformation in soil cutting including adaptive meshing method, arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method, and smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method were introduced. Based on these three methods, a simplified 3-D finite elements model was then constructed for simulation of soil cutting by the shield cutter. After that, with an emphasis laid on the ALE method, a full 3-D finite element model has been constructed for simulation of soil cutting by the shield cutter head and cutter. Final calculation was accomplished by using LS-DYNA 970 MPP software on the DAWNING 4000A supercomputer. Calculation results showed different characteristics of these three methods when dealing with the large deformation in soil cutting through corresponding analysis and comparison. Meanwhile, it is also found that some simulation results such as moment in soil cutting by the shield cutter head and cutter were in good accordance to the experimental data.