In this paper, the cyclic code of the classic circuit is transformed and transplanted; then, the quantum encoding scheme based on cyclic code and quantum error-correction circuit is constructed. The proposed circuit can correct one-bit error, and the use of redundant bits to encode more than one-bit quantum information breaks the previous limitations of many bits encoding a quantum bit. Compared with the existing coding circuits (Shor code, Steane code and five stable subcode), it shows obvious superiority in the quantum coding efficiency and transmission efficiency.
In this paper, the cyclic code of the classic circuit is transformed and transplanted; then, the quantum encoding scheme based on cyclic code and quantum error-correction circuit is constructed. The proposed circuit can correct one-bit error, and the use of redundant bits to encode more than one-bit quantum information breaks the previous limitations of many bits encoding a quantum bit. Compared with the existing coding circuits (Shor code, Steane code and five stable subcode), it shows obvious superiority in the quantum coding efficiency and transmission efficiency.