Prehistoric settlement geography is a research field whose research object is geographic phenomenon of prehistoric settlement. It grows with the development of modem archaeology and its increasing interests in prehistoric environment and society. Its goal is to explore spatio-temporal distribution pattern of prehistoric set- tlements and the mechanism behind it in order to understand the prehistoric human-land relationship. In this pa- per, main contents and characteristics of prehistoric settlement geography research were introduced first. Then, based on a great number of related papers, the current status of domestic research of prehistoric settlement geog- raphy was reviewed. Finally, remaining issues and future research directions were discussed. Domestic research of prehistoric settlement geography has mainly focused on the distribution of prehistoric settlements, settlement site selection, settlement evolution, the relationship between regional environment and the settlements, the rela- tionship between the settlements and cultural factors, interrelations among the settlements, exploration of related technologies and methods, etc. A series of related researches have been carried out in different areas, which not only reflected the regional differences of prehistoric settlement patterns and formation mechanisms, but also pro- moted the development of environmental archaeology, geography, settlement archaeology and related technolo- gies. The remaining issues of the research of prehistoric settlement geography are as follows: loose connections to other disciplines, biased interpretations by single-factored models, incomplete framework of theory and meth- odology, etc. And it is necessary to carry out high spatio-temporal resolution research in relatively small areas. As a multidisciplinary cross-over study, prehistoric settlement geography needs participations of geography, ar- chaeology, Quatemary environment and other related disciplines, while keeping human-land relationship re- search as the main focus.