Mercury (Hg) from combustion of fossil fuels and waste is the dominant source of anthropogenic Hg emissions with increasing environmental impacts. Nearly half of the Hg emissions reaches the Arctic. Coal-fired utility boilers are currently the largest known source of mercury emissions in the world. Mercury in coal-flue gas survives in three species, i. e. , elemental, oxidized and particulate. Mercury emission tests were done at the air preheater (APH) inlet and the electrostatic precipitator (ESP) outlet for a tangentially fired furnace with capacity of 250MW in Massachusetts, USA. The comparisons were presented for the mercury emission measurements among the Ontario Hydro Method (OHM) and Semi-Continuous Emission Monitors (SCEM). The results indicate the good agreements between the OHM and SCEM measurements on the total mercury species. Some SCEM results were not well consisted, especially the elemental species, with the OHM data due to the different port-installation of probes even through at the same sampling locations and they were more strongly influenced by the uneven distribution of mercury concentration in the turbulent flue gas across the flue duct section. The reasons were putatively addressed for the data deviations between the two methods and the more investigations should be done for the in situ samplings of SCEM for the more accurate species measurements.