VDAC3 was screened out as interacting protein with abscisic acid(ABA) receptors RCAR1 and RCAR3 in Arabidopsis thialiana cDNA library by the yeast two hybrid system before. VDAC3 contains three domains. Porin3 domain,DUF3442 domain and SEG fragment. In this research VDAC3 was cut into two part, VDAC3 N which contains DUF3442 domain while VDAC3 C which contains SEG frag ment. Cotransform BD-RCAR1, BD-RCAR3 and full length AD-VDAC3, AD-VDAC3 N (507bp) into yeasts. The reconstructedyeasts can grow on themediumSD/-His/-Trp/-Leu/-Ade and turn blue in the presence of X-Gal while yeasts cotransformed BD-RCAR1, BD-RCAR3and AD-VDAC3 C(318 bp)can't. These experiments proved thatthe full length VDAC3 indeed interacts with RCAR1 and RCAR3,and al so N-termini DUF3442 domainpossesses the interactions.