The large - scale reclamation projects on north branch of Yangtze River estuary have been conducted by both Shang- hai City and liangsu Province since 1950s, which has narrowed the river channel and changed the terrain boundary greatly. Using MIKE21-FM, a 2D hydrodynamic numerical model of vertical average tidal currents in Yangtze estuary and Hangzhou Bay is es- tablished. Based on the satisfied verification results, the tidal current field of north branch before and after the large - scale recla- mations is simulated. The results show that after the large - scale reclamation, the average high tidal level of the entire river channel of north branch raised, while the average low tidal level declined; the velocity of flood and ebb tide in the middle and up- per reaches increased; however the situation in the lower reaches is quite the opposite ; With hydrodynamic force of the flood tide strengthened, the confluence of flood tide between south and north branches moved up to Chongtou where the South and North Branches converge.