Multiple - time - scale variations of precipitation amount and precipitation frequency in Yaan region in four typi- cal drought years and four typical flood years are investigated by using the daily precipitation data from 1951 to 2008 and the hourly precipitation data from 1969 to 2000. The result showed that the average annual precipitation in drought years was 1242. 9mm Precipitation of flood season in drought years accounted for 70.4% of the total precipitation in drought years. The precipi- tation of flood season in flood years is twice of it in drought years, and it accounted for 81.1% of the total. Seasonal character- istic of precipitation distribution in drought and flood is obvious, especially in flood years. Rainfall intensity is similar to the seasonal changes in precipitation, reaches its maximum in summer, and the difference between annual rainfall intensity and rainfall intensity of flood season was obvious both in drought and flood years. The difference of wet days between drought and flood was much smaller, either was the seasonal differences. The maximum and minimum value of precipitation occurred in dif- ferent months. In drought years, precipitation reached the maximum value in July, and the minimum value appeared in Januar- y. While, in flood years, the maximum value appeared in August, and the minimum value appeared in December. In addition, the maximum value the precipitation and wet days in the day and night appeared in different time, so was the rainfall intensity. The monthly change of precipitation and wet days was also quite different in drought and flood years. Characteristics of diurnal variations of precipitation and mid - night rainfall were prominent. Both the amount and frequency of mid - night rainfall is much larger than that of in the day. But the appearance time of peak and valley value were different in drought years and in flood years. In drought years, the peak of precipitation usually appeared at 1 a. m. , and there was a valley at 2 p. m.. In drought years, mid - night p