以博弈论为研究方法,建立了由两个竞争型制造商和单个零售商组成的闭环供应链,其中制 造商1自己负责回收,制造商2分别由自己回收、委托零售商回收、委托第三方回收,求得三种情形下制造 商和零售商的最优决策,最后通过算例分析各参数与决策变量之间的关系.研究结果显示:无论制造商2采取何种回收方式,两种产品的批发价格和销售价格均不变,只与消费者支付意愿相关,而回收价格与回 收双方的竞争强度正相关.
In this paper, based on game theory as the research method, we consider the closed-loop supply chain which consists of two competitive manufacturers and a single retailer. Manufacturer No.l is responsible for its own recycling; whi le for Manuf actur er No.2, r ecycl ing is examined in di f f er ent models : b y th e m a n u f a c tu r e r itself, by retailers and by a third party. Through comparative analysis of the three models,we get the optimal de-cisions of manufacturers and retailers. The relationships between the parameters and decision variables are ana-lyzed through numerical examples.Regardless of which mode of recycling Manufacturer No.2 takes, the whole sale price and retail price of the two products remain unchanged, only related to consumers' willingness to pay, and the recycling prices only related to the intensity of competition.