矿井采空区遗煤自燃大部分为处于受压状态下的自燃。为观察压力对浮煤自燃过程的影响,采用自制的浮煤加载自燃试验装置对受压浮煤层与自然堆积状态下的自燃过程进行试验研究。结果表明:加载对浮煤的自燃过程确实存在一定影响。加载会加快浮煤层的升温速度,缩短自然发火期,降低最小浮煤层厚度,改变采空区"三带"的划分;加载对厚度介于0.8~1.2 m之间浮煤自燃过程影响最大;随着压力的增加,压力对浮煤自燃过程的影响逐渐减弱,当压力小于1 600 N时,压力的增加对浮煤自燃过程的影响较明显,当压力大于1 600 N时,压力的增加对浮煤自燃过程的影响变小,当压力大于2 600 N时,压力的增加对浮煤自燃过程几乎无影响。
Residual coal spontaneous combustion in goaf mainly involves layers of compacted coal.The spontaneous combustion processes of layers of compacted residual coal and piled up coal were studied using a device made by ourselves.The results show that compaction has effects on the combusion processes: it increases the temperature rise rate of the layer,shortens the spontaneous combustion period,reduces the minimum thickness of the layer and changes dividing of the three zones of goaf.Its effects were the greatest when the thickness of the layer was 0.8~1.2 m.