In this paper, the fractal geometry theory is used to predict dam deformation, which can help to monitorthe dam safety accurately. It is difficult to use a constant dimension fractal model to analyse and forecast the damdeformation data. Therefore, a variable dimension fractal model is applied to analyse dam deformation. Firstly, themonitoring data are taken into a transform of cumulative sum of N order. T h en, we calculate fractal dimensionsequence of each order and choose the best sequence. Finally, the dam deformation forecasting data are calculatedin turn. Considering the problem that the traditional prediction method of the fractal dimension is uncertain and thatthe amount of required monitoring data is large, the prediction of the fractal dimension is made to establish animproved dam fractal geometry monitoring model by use of a grey model. Analysis results show that, based onpractical engineering, by comparing the prediction precision of the traditional fractal geometry monitoring model andthe improved m odel, the prediction accuracy of the improved model is better, and the model has the stability ofprediction and the resistance to volatility.