Aims Understanding ecological implications of plant functional traits is helpful in exploring community assem- bly under different environments of nature and human disturbances, and then to reveal the maintenance mecha- nism of the ecosystem services. By analyzing vegetation and soil data derived from field observations in Leymus chinensis steppe of Xilin River Basin in Nei Mongol, we aimed to explore the responses of plant functional traits to changing soil nutrients at different degradation stages. Methods We observed 69 plots for both plant community structure and soil attributes using quadrat and soil-drilling methods. Five plant functional traits, namely the specific leaf area (SLA), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), leaf carbon to nitrogen ratio (C:N), leaf lignin content (LLC), and maximum height (MH), were meas- ured for each plot. We also tested soil attributes, such as total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), available ni- trogen (AN), available phosphorus (AP), and organic carbon (OC). The sixty-nine communities were classified into four groups (undegraded L. chinensis + forbs, slightly degraded L. chinensis + Stipa sp., moderately degraded L. chinensis + Cleistogenes squarrosa, and heavily degraded L. chinensis + Artemisia frigida) using TWINSPANsoftware. The relationships between plant functional traits and soil nutrient variables were analyzed for the four community groups using the Pearson's correlation test with SPSS 21.0 software. lmportantfindings (1) The soil nutrients decreased with the grassland degradation process and there were sig- nificant differences in TN and TP between the undegraded L. chinensis + forbs and heavily degraded L. chinensis + A. frigida communities; (2) plant functional traits also showed strong differences between the degradation stages. MH and C:N decreased with degradation. A significant difference was observed in MH between the unde- graded L. chinensis + forbs and slightly degraded L. chinensis