针对发光二极管(LED)光源的发光特点,本文提出了一种能实现控制光束的简易方向分量计算自由曲面的方法。该方法根据非成像光学原理,采用划分网格法在特定的坐标系内建立光源面与目标面的映射关系,并基于该算法设计了以单颗LED为光源的反光器。在Trace Pro中对所得模型进行非序列光线追迹分析,模拟结果表明,在确定目标面上的照度均匀度可达到90%以上,能量利用率可达99.8%以上。因此,该算法可为非成像光学设计提供新的方法,适用于显微镜照明、投影照明系统等均匀照明要求较高系统的设计。
According to light-emitting diode(LED) light source's characteristic and the principles of non-imaging optics, a simple computation method is proposed which can control light path through adjusting the direction component of free-form surface. Some reflectors suitable for different application were designed by this algorithm which based on a single LED light source. Then optical entity was imported into Trace Pro software for non-sequential ray tracing. As a result of simulation, the optical system achieves uniform illumination. This algorithm brings a new idea for non-imaging design. It's suitable to design microscope lighting and projection display that require high uniform lighting system.