目的 了解云南省祥云县不明原因心源性猝死的流行特征。方法 对祥云县2004年以前上报的云南不明原因心源性猝死病例和同发病例开展回顾性调查,疑似病例搜索调查,将资料核实整理、讨论归类后,进行统计学分析。结果 共调查到14例云南不明原因心源性猝死病例,3例同发病例,4例野生菌中毒死亡病例和4例未定论病例。不明原因猝死病例村庄、家庭聚集性明显(P〈0.01),时间分布在7、8月份,发病年龄为10—50岁,性别及民族间发病率差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。调查中野生菌中毒死亡的流行特征与不明原因心源性猝死极为相似。结论 祥云县不明原因心源性猝死呈现出明显的地区性、季节性、人群选择性、村庄聚集和家庭聚集的流行特点,提示危险因素在特定条件下存在,猝死病例间具有同源暴露史。
Objective To explore the epidemiological characters of the unexpected sudden cardiac death (USCD) in Xiangyun County, Yunnan Province. Method USCD cases and simultaneous cases were before 2004 in Xiangyun County retrospectively analyzed. Results There were fourteen USCD cases, three simultaneous cases, four wild mushroom poisoning cases and four uncertain cases. These USCD cases occurred in July and August, and presented obvious village and familial aggregation(P 〈 0.01 ) in people aging 15 to 50 years, moreover no difference of the sex and nationality (P 〉 0.05 ) was found. The epidemiological characters of USCD cases resembled that of the wild mushroom poisoning cases. Conclusions The USCD in Xiangyun County presented obvious regional, seasonal, crowd, familial and village aggregation. The risk factors exists under specific condition. The resemble cases have common exposure history.